Who would have thought that something as minute and invisible as a virus could put the entire world into a halt? That's what the last past 5 months of my life has proven so far...
In February 2020, I have ventured on my own to Singapore for work. It's July now and I am still here, miles away from home.
Before Hubby Cookie and I made this decision, we had a solid plan. And finally when this virus was declared a pandemic and a global health crisis at that, all plans got derailed. Flights are grounded so neither Hubby Cookie nor I can get to where the other is. The girls, of course, don't get a say for now, they definitely need to remain where they are.
Finally, after several months being away from home, it comes as a consolation that lockdown measures in both the Philippines and Singapore have eased. But the reports of a "second wave" come equally alarming. So the best and only course of action for now is to stay put.
Thanks to technology, the miles between me and my family are bridged by constant video calls and text chats. But still this does not make being away any easier, especially when the little ones tell you how much they miss your presence. Lying in bed alone at night often haunts me with paranoid thoughts of "what if they get used to not having me around...?" which trigger a waterfall of tears and a feeling of panic and helplessness.
In spite of these occasional self-pitying moments, I continue to find the silver-lining. Given there are no assurances of when this global health crisis will be resolved, there is no use for me to sulk in negative thoughts. It is not helpful, it is not productive, and definitely not worth sacrificing my well-being over. Instead, I am taking this time to focus on myself - work on managing my stress, learn something new, and revive hobbies I enjoy.
At some point, this virus will be beaten, just like all the rest of the challenges the human race has battled with. When this happens, borders will open and airplanes will fly again, and then finally I can get myself home.
It's me,