Monday, October 8, 2007

Singapore Adventure: The Last Round of My Meaty Spaghetti

Last Friday, I had a really severe case of craving... Craving for spaghetti, that is. And since I still have one more pack of Del Monte Spaghetti Sauce Italian Style and UFC Tamis Anghang Banana Catsup in my Pinoy stuff stash, I decided to finally put an end to this craving. :D

I cooked my spaghetti, and has been having it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even merienda since Friday night. Hehe... There is so much for just one person to consume, eventhough I am such a fan of spaghetti, I couldn't chug down the finished product all in one sitting.

But today, it is the last round for my Meaty Spaghetti. I am having half a serving now for breakfast and the rest, I am packing for today's lunch.
After this last serving, it will be a while again before I can prepare my spaghetti recipe. Hopefully, my Cookie will already be here to share it with me. And just like the last time, spaghetti mortality stats in this flat shall rise again. :))

2 Cookie Thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Looks like this blog is becoming a food blog. :-D. Nice, I hope you got a recipe there of the spaghetti.

wifeycookie said...

hi, jio. cooking has been really helpful in relieving my lonesome disposition. huhuhu...