Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Singapore Adventure: Ikea Dinera Plates in the Microwave

Can you put Ikea Dinera Plates in the microwave oven? Sure you can! I just did. And the output was extremely palatable. ^_^

Just look at the photos I took of the the finished product. Mouth-watering, huh?

It's a variation of my famous spaghetti. We still have some leftover spaghetti sauce, but not enough to make two plates of saucy spaghetti (spaghetti as the Cookies like it). And so, I thought of just putting the pasta, sauce and cheese in layers in my Ikea Dinera deep dish, popped it in the microwave for 8 minutes and served it for dinner.

It was delicious! Very delicious indeed. And this time I have evidence. ^_^

Two happy Cookie tummies!

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