Friday, December 26, 2008

Singapore Adventure: Simple Christmas Feast

It's my first Christmas away from my family. Last year, though I was already based here in SG, I came home for Christmas to spend the festive season with my family and friends. This year, I spent a wet Christmas in SG. But the best part of it is I get to spend the entire day with my Cookie. ^_^

We started Christmas Day late. Skipped breakfast but I made up for it by serving a nice seafood dish for lunch. My (almost perfected) Buttered Garlic Shrimps.

My Cookie is not as big a fan of seafood as I am. But since it's Christmas and he loves me too much, so he pretends he is a fan every now and again. Well, with a little blackmailing strategy which involves him not getting any dessert, he did down a few pieces of shrimp that I shelled for him. :P

And being a good boy that he is, finishing the lovely shrimp dish I've prepared for him, he deserved the Lechen Flan reward I had for him. :))

When lunch was done, we spent some time in front of the tube. After we've gone tired of all other shows available on cable, we decided to give in to the urge of seeing a "free copy" of Twilight. We've been meaning to catch it in the theatres but never really got to it. And most likely by the time we don find the time, it would most likely not be showing anymore.

Read the book, seen the movie. Well, I am a fan of the book, but not so much of the movie. The movie was a bit of a disappointment to be honest. The way the story was told in book was very fluid, spontaneous, and the way the words were put together and told through the dialogues in the book sounds deliciously as you read them. But the movie, it gave me a feeling of skipping a few chapters or randomly flipping through the pages of the book. The acting was not as convincing making the dialogues sound flat, almost losing its flavour. Sorry if I am being too critical, I just really am not a buff of screen adaptations of books. Well, I did enjoy A Walk to Remember and Stardust, but still something is lost when the book is translated to the silver screen.

So, after almost 3 hours of Twilight, half the time spent blurting out side comments, it's time to prepare Christmas Dinner. This time, nothing fancy, just some Grilled Pork Loin Chops and a sidedish of Buttered Baby Carrots and Roasted Cherry Tomatoes.

The Cookies had a great Christmas. ^_^

0 Cookie Thoughts: